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AD Groups

Overview of Information

AD Groups can not be created via XEOX, you can only access information about an AD group and filter accordingly if you require it.

In Reporting - AD Group Report you can only find an overview of all AD Groups you created in your Organisation, but if need more information regarding a group you created, you can find it under Reporting - AD Export Report. Simply click on the directory your group is saved in and then click on the group. You will then find more information regarding your group, for example the members of the group or which groups the group itself is a member of.

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Under the information tab All, you will find both the dn and samaccoutname, those are both unique and can be used to filter, which devices are in the AD group (more on that below).

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Filter via AD Group

This section only explains how to filter with AD groups, if you need a more general explaination of filter, please see Filter.

You are able to see which devices are in an AD group, and the name of that group, by adding a new column in the Update Center. This column is called AD Groups.

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If you need to filter the devices by the AD group, create a filter, that contains either the dn or the samaccountname:

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Keep in mind, that you have to create a filter, simply using Search Table won’t work.

In case you want to filter wether a devices is part of an AD group or not, either use exists or does not exist.

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Create a job using AD Groups

This section only explains how to create a job using AD groups, if you need a more general explaination of jobs, please see Jobs.

If you want to create a job using a filter, you can either use a filter directly when creating a job, or you can select the filtered devices, and click create job. Here is an example for the latter:

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